Tiny Fishing Game – All Questions Answered 2024

Tiny Fishing is a free action game that can be played both on mobile and PC. In the past 2 years, this game has become quite popular among people and more and more people are playing it now in their free time.

As the game continues every person is interested in knowing more about the game like its last fish, best fish hooks, expensive fish to catch, etc.

So, here in this article, we picked the top most commonly asked questions about the Tiny Fishing game and answered them one by one.

What is the last fish in tiny fishing?

This is the top most asked question by many people about this game and everyone is curious to know which is the last fish that can be caught in this game.

The last fish or animal that you can catch in the Tiny Fishing game is the purple seahorse. The purple seahorse is the last possible fish you can catch in Tiny Fishing as you go deeper.

In tiny fishing what is after seahorse?

As we mentioned above the seahorses are the last possible different species you can catch in the Tiny Fishing game.

So, after you catch the seahorse you will see the same fish or sea animals that you have already caught in this game there will be no new fish to catch.

Also on Reddit, most people answered this question that they have not caught any new fish after catching the seahorse.

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What is the best fish in tiny fishing

What is the rarest fish in tiny fishing?

In the Tiny Fishing game, you need to reach the bottom of the sea where you can find different and rare species of fish.

When it comes to rare fish species in the Tiny Fish game there are some finishes that known itself rare fish in the game and they are different in color from other common fish you can catch.

So, as you go deeper you will find a red-colored fish which you can see in the above image this is the rarest fish in the Tiny Fish game. To catch this fish, you need to go deep fishing and for deep fishing, you need the best fishing rods.

And to buy the best fishing rods you need more money and to make money you need to spend a quite long time to earn more.

So, the red-colored rare fishes are the rarest fish or animals to catch in the Tiny Fishing game.

What is the best fish in tiny fishing?

We think that rare fish species are the best fish in the Tiny Fish because these fish species are less common than others, and this rare fish the Red Rare fish is the best one.

In this game, you can showcase your fish collection by keeping the fish in the aquarium and earn some more money from it. So keeping the rare fish in your aquarium will attract more people which can make you more money.

So, the red rare fish is the best fish in the Tiny Fishing game as it can make us more money.

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What is the max depth in tiny fishing?

There is not any exact data on how deep is the Tiny Fishing game sea but as a player, he can go up to a max depth of 10000 meters in the game with the best hook and fishing rod.

So, the 10000 meter is the maximum depth that any player can reach in the Tiny Fishing game.

What are all the fish in tiny fishing?

There are a total of 10 different species of fish or animals in the Tiny Fishing game. But there are some species that have legendary types of them.

So, if we consider the legendary species as different finishes then there will be a total of 15 different fishesh in Tiny Fishing game.

What are all the fish in tiny fishing
  • Macral fish
  • Legendary Macral fish
  • Discus fish
  • Legendary discus fish
  • Koi fish
  • Octopus
  • Clownfish
  • Legendary clownfish
  • Old wife fish
  • Legendary old wife fish
  • Dolphin
  • Legendary Dolphin
  • Sea Urchin
  • Red Rare fish
  • Seahorse

What is the best hook in tiny fishing?

There are different hooks you can use to catch fish in the Tiny Fishing game and here are our top 5 picks that are best to catch more fishing as well as go deeper.

what is the best hook in tiny fishing
  1. Ball Hook
  2. Cat Hook
  3. Heart Hook
  4. Nirvana Hook
  5. Lucky Hook

FAQsTiny Fishing Game

What is the most expensive fish in the tiny fishing?

The purple seahorse is the most expensive fish in the tiny fishing game which costs $30000.

How many fish are in tiny fishing?

There are a total of 15 different species fishes in tiny fishing.

What is the final fish in tiny fishing?

The purple seahorse is the final fish in tiny fishing.


Here is the answer to all the most commonly asked questions about the tiny fishing game. Now if you have any other questions about this game which does not answer in this article then let us know in the comment below so we can answer them as soon as possible.

8 thoughts on “Tiny Fishing Game – All Questions Answered 2024”

  1. No its not I am fish that are worth 12q and is at 132 ml and is at gold tuna fish had had purple sea horse at the beginning explain that so what is the last fish my aquarium is 27 ml long and purple sea horse is in the start of it so purple sea horse is not the last one I’ve also herd about a wale shark being in it is that true but anyway your wong

  2. There’s a new update in 2024 June, and there is 20 new kids of fish which includes larger, more exotic fishes. (Turtles, sharks, crabs, shrimp, squid, lion fish, etc) The money earned can be all the way up to trillions and hundred trillions.


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